Pharmaceutical folding also known as Miniature Folding or Mini Folding is a specialised folding method that reduces a large sheet into a very condensed size. Miniature folding is important to product manufacturers because it provides a cost effective way to fit a great deal of printed information into a tight space or small package.
Miniature folding or Pharmaceutical Folding uses a relatively light weight of paper, usually around 70gsm. This is because light paper folds easier, lies flatter and develops less bulk. But light paper is not that easy to print upon, so few printers have the means to do it, hence why many Pharmaceutical companies opt to keep this in house along side a traditional style Duplicator or DuPrinter.
Many industries other than the Pharmaceutical sector employ miniature folding machines, basically anywhere that a small package is being put together that requires instructions will require some sort of miniature folding device. They are particular common within component manufacturers for switches and electrical items as well as jewelry production, personal electronics and toys as well as health and beauty products.
Our range are ideally suited to any of these industries and will allow you to take control of your folding requirements. These solutions are very popular with the NHS.
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